Wednesday 23 March 2011

Prison Break

I wrote episode guides, cast profiles, blogs, news and features for Five’s most popular drama series.


“I wouldn’t mind swinging in a hammock for the next 10, 20 years…” Not a chance, Scofield. The Fox River Eight are running for their lives with Agent Mahone and Bellick hot on their trail. The fugitives make some headway when they steal a car and, desperate for money and clothes, Michael instructs Lincoln to drive towards Oswego where he has everything in storage. Crippled and desperate, T-Bag threatens a vet into sewing back his dismembered hand.

An awestruck Mahone cracks the tattooed code to Michael’s escape plans. He and Bellick race to the Oswego storage unit… but, of course, Michael’s a step ahead. The gear’s really stashed at a remote cemetery. Stooped over the grave, Mahone spots Michael scrabbling in the undergrowth, draws his weapon and gives chase. But the civilian-clothed escapees blend into the crowd.

Veronica gets into a dire situation with Steadman while, waking from her coma, Sara finds an origami bird in her purse. It contains a scribbled message from Michael: “There's a plan to make all of this right.”

Michael Scofield
Alias: Fish
played by Wentworth Miller
Reason to Run: To save his brother Lincoln from execution.

A tenacious fugitive and creative genius, Michael is compelled to help those who arouse his compassion. Michael never once doubted Lincoln’s innocence, dedicating himself to saving his brother from the electric chair. Michael got himself thrown into prison and set to work on the escape, a map of which he'd painstakingly had tattooed onto his arms and torso. Prison life was quite a shock to Michael – he learnt that getting on the wrong side of the wrong person can be deadly. He made friends with Westmoreland and Sucre; fell in love with Dr Tancredi; and earned the hatred of Bellick and T-Bag. Now on the run, the escape team’s lives are in Michael’s hands.

We've got some great new features to keep you Prison Break nuts amused...

Action man Dominic Purcell, who plays Lincoln, the man who started the whole mess in the first place, surveys the ever-growing pile of bodies and tells us how the escape is panning out for him in our exclusive interview. And if Michael and the boys' twisted lingo leaves you baffled, arm yourself with our new glossary of prison slang.

Three is the magic number

If Fox River whetted your appetite and the escape’s getting you all hot under the collar, you’re in for a treat. The answer to the question on everyone’s lips is YES, there is a third series in the pipeline. Prison Break creator Paul Scheuring and executive producer Matt Olmstead have been having clandestine meetings with Fox television executives and are concocting thrilling new storylines as we speak. Scheuring swears on his old Scout badge that it’s shaping up to be “a show unlike anything ever seen on TV before.” But what series three has in store for Michael and Lincoln remains a mystery – the producers are keeping it zipped. Who knows which characters will make it back…

The drugs don't work

We’ve all seen Agent Mahone choking back pills in times of trouble, but what’s his poison? We had a peek at the label and it’s doesn’t sound pretty. “Midazolam contains hypnotic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and sedative properties. When administered orally, the ability to form memories may be lost. High potency and the quick acting effects limit this Schedule IV controlled substance to hospital administration only.” The mad-eyed agent is hooked on this incredibly potent drug, and we doubt very much he consulted his physician before taking it. Midazolam keeps Agent Mahone focused and alert when Michael’s running rings around him and, most importantly, it numbs the guilt of burying Oscar Shales under his patio. Enough so, in fact, that he could kill again…

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